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Board Qualifications, Responsibilities and Descriptions

Board Qualifications

  • Applicants for the PRSA Austin Chapter Board must be members in good standing.
  • Board Applicants must have two or more years of professional experience.
  • No minimum level of professional experience is required for committee members.

Board Responsibilities

  • Know the organization’s mission, purposes, goals, policies, programs, services, strengths, and needs.
  • Perform duties of Board membership responsibly and at a level of competence expected from Bard members.
  • Serve in a leadership position and undertake special assignments willingly and in a timely manner.
  • Serve as a liaison for any assigned committee(s) or task force, reporting to the Board regularly through written and oral communication.
  • Call to the attention of the chapter’s President and/or its chief operating officer issues of potential significance to the chapter.
  • Serve as a chapter ambassador for members and potential members.

Time commitment:

Members of the Board can expect the following time commitments:

  • Approximately 5 hours of service on average per month
  • Participate in-person or by video/phone in monthly Board meetings (approx. 1 hour long)
  • Attend monthly PRSA Austin Chapter events and actively encourage support and attendance by colleagues
  • Participate in committee meetings outside of monthly Board meetings, as appropriate, to be determined by the committee chair
  • For detailed requirements and responsibilities of each Board position, click here

Board Members are expected to:

  • Participate in a minimum of nine Board meetings throughout the year
  • Attend a minimum of six Chapter events
  • Participate in the planning of Chapter events, including drafting promotional and program copy
  • Greet and network with attendees at Chapter events
  • Assist with recruiting new members
  • Assist with fresh content for the Chapter website
  • Assist with social media conte

Board Descriptions

President (up to 2-year term)

  • Direct overall chapter operations
  • Preside at all Board meetings and member events
  • Install all committees with the approval of the Board
  • Guide the Board and evaluate progress periodically
  • Coordinate functions of all officers and committees
  • Work with other Board members in establishing chapter goals and objectives
  • Recommend and direct the execution of policies and programs in the interest of the Chapter
  • Engage with members
    • Activities might include: monthly newsletter statement to members, meet the president coffee talks, etc.
    • Ensure the Chapter meets and upholds national standards.


  • Perform all duties of the President if the President is absent or unable to perform those duties for any reason
  • Assist the President in coordinating and directing committee activities and chapter operations and perform such duties as may be delegated by the President
  • Recommend goals, objectives, plans and programs to the President
  • Advise the President on matters of policy and procedure
  • Ensure the chapter is upholding its professional development standards
  • Oversee the Strategic Planning Committee
  • This role is ultimately a four-year commitment that begins with President-Elect, evolves into President and ends with Immediate Past President

Immediate Past President

  • Serve in an advisory role to the President and Board members
  • Support the programs chair and committee to help ensure professional development activities and logistics are properly managed and communicated to members, prospects, allied professional organizations, and local media
  • Provide topics to share via the website of interest to members
  • Complete other duties as assigned by the President

 Secretary/Treasurer (supported by Strategic Association Management)

  • Take detailed notes at each Board meeting and type/send notes to the chapter President within 48 hours
  • Work with the President to send meeting agendas, minutes, and financial reports to the Board 48 hours in advance of meetings
  • Work with the chapter management firm to create an annual chapter budget and provide monthly financial reports
  • Help manage the chapter budget by being involved in monthly planning to ensure all cost variables are factored into program planning
  • Ensure all funds are invested and disbursed appropriately, as ordered by the Board
  • Sign checks, approve expenses, and fill out/submit financial forms and contracts on behalf of the Board
  • Serve as a liaison for the Board by participating in quarterly best practice calls and/or email communications with PRSA National
  • Assist the Board with all financial matters

 Director-at-Large, Marketing Chair

  • Collaborate with the Vice President of Programs, Vice President of Membership, Committee Chairs, and President on setting communication strategies and goals for the calendar year
  • Oversee the Marketing Committee, which should be divided into the following separate responsibilities:
    • Social Media Committee Member (responsible for social media imagery, writing and posting)
    • Creative Design Committee Member (responsible for advertising graphics, and social media meme creation)
    • Work with the Marketing Committee on outreach to member and non-member audiences about all chapter activities and news
    • Determine the distribution schedule of social media, and provide support in drafting copy, as needed
    • Ensure promotion/distribution of chapter events to member and non-member audiences via email, social media, and the chapter website
    • Oversee Chapter website content and administration with support from S.A.M. (administration)and President
    • Determine promotions budget and spend in collaboration with Programs Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, and President

 Director-at-Large/Public Relations Chair (2-year term)

  • Collaborate with the Vice President of Programs, Vice President of Membership, Committee Chairs, and President on setting communication strategies and goals for the calendar year
  • Oversee Public Relations Committee
  • Direct committee efforts to directly via email or phone new members and welcome them to the chapter
  • Support messaging and overall strategic communications plan for the chapter
  • Draft press release announcements when relevant for PRSA Austin programming and share them with local media
  • Draft monthly PRSA newsletter alongside President to incorporate news of chapter, national PRSA news when relevant, and updates from board member counterparts when relevant (; membership, programs, APR, ethics, etc.)
  • Create and update branding materials for PRSA Austin (; tone and voice document, message house document)
  • Coordinate with the Marketing Chair on the execution of the communications plan (via external communications platforms and creative assets)

 Director-at-Large/Membership Chair

  • Lead the chapter’s effort to retain and recruit members
  • Oversee Membership Committee
  • Oversee PRSSA/University Outreach Liaisons and provide resources to support their efforts
  • Direct committee efforts to directly via email or phone new members and welcome them to the chapter
  • Share new member information and promotions provided by the national on a monthly basis
  • Coordinate new member socials or events as appropriate
  • Serve as the first touchpoint for PRSSA seniors transitioning into PRSA membership
  • Ensure a diverse membership, working closely with the Diversity & Inclusion Chair

 Director at Large, Programs Chair

  • Oversee the Programs Committee
  • Work with board members, President, President-Elect, and Programs Committee members to develop the vision for topics and professional development programs for the calendar year
  • Support the execution of each monthly program with its event lead (as designated at the beginning of the year at the board retreat)
  • Leverage the Board and Programs Committee to help source and select speakers for events
  • Ensure qualified, interesting speakers are scheduled at least two months in advance of events and logistics are in place
  • Work with PR and Marketing Chairs to engage with member and non-member audiences about all chapter activities and news, including e-blasts, social content and chapter website
  • Highlight program calendar and resources from National on the website, including drafting copy for social and/or blog posts, e-blasts
  • Help to promote professional development webinars provided by National or Sections to Chapter members
  • Recommended 5+ years of industry experience for this role

 APR Chair 

  • Promote accreditation with the chapter and encourage eligible members to take the Examination for Accreditation in Public Relations – especially in April, which is accreditation month – through education and programming
  • Lead effort to plan and conduct courses and/or seminars to prepare candidates to take the Examination for Accreditation in Public Relations
  • Coordinate necessary activities with the Universal Accreditation Board
  • Highlight benefits of accreditation and resources on the website, including drafting copy for social and/or blog posts
  • Recommended APR certification and 5+ years of industry experience for this role

 Ethics Chair

  • Promote the PRSA Code of Ethics throughout the year – especially in September, which is ethics month – through education and programming
  • Assist with coordinating an ethics-themed September program
  • Serve as a Chapter resource on ethics
  • Highlight ethics programming and resources on the Chapter website, including drafting copy for social and/or blog posts

 Assembly Delegates (3)

  • Assembly Delegates are members who serve as the Chapter's representatives at the PRSA Assembly (held in different cities each year) to vote on national by-law changes and the slate of National Board members
  • Represent Chapter member's views and opinions during National meetings/events/calls, etc.
  • Participate in Southwest District calls or meetings and report back to the President and Board
  • The Chapter membership shall elect Assembly Delegates for a one to three-year term; the PRSA Austin Chapter will prioritize accredited members
  • The current President and President-Elect serve as two of the three delegates
  • One open position is always available for another member or director

 Sponsorship Chair

  • Oversee the Sponsorship committee
  • Coordinate with the President and Programs Chair on planning and logistics for sponsorship opportunities
  • Develop sponsorship annual goals and sponsorship plan at the start of the new year
  • Develop updated annual sponsorship packet including sponsorship levels, individual program sponsorship, and job listing sponsorship opportunities, as well as create opportunities for specific sponsors
  • Secure prospects, leads, and sponsors based on the plan strategy
  • Coordinate with the Secretary/Treasurer on secured sponsorship funds
  • Coordinate with Marketing and PR Committee on promoting sponsorship
  • Manages the Job Board and Web Sponsors, sending a copy to the Marketing Chair for posting
  • Works closely with the Board on funding needs for yearly program calendar and events
  • Pitches sponsorships to local firms to support the chapter
  • Identifies Chapter fundraising opportunities

 Diversity & Inclusion Chair

  • Promote PRSA national’s diversity initiatives throughout the year
  • Lead the chapter’s Diversity & Inclusion initiatives
  • Oversee the Diversity & Inclusion Committee
  • Work with the Program Committee to execute one Diversity and inclusion-themed event annually
  • Serve as Chapter liaison for PRSA’s National Diversity & Inclusion Committee
  • Develop and/or nurture mentorship programs with youth
  • Serve as a resource for the chapter on diversity and inclusion topics

 PRSSA and University Liaisons

  • Meet regularly with PRSSA chapter professors and student leaders
  • Communicate PRSA events relevant to students and vice versa
  • Work with a team of PRSSA liaisons to coordinate professional/student mentorship opportunities, shadow days, and scholarships
  • Lead planning efforts for Pro-Am Day, including oversight of the Pro-Am Day event committee and coordination with Executive Committee members
  • Coordinate with the Membership Chair on transitioning PRSSA graduates into PRSA membership

 Committee members are expected to:

  • Participate in Board meetings throughout the year
  • Participate in a minimum of six Chapter events
  • Participate in planning or supporting Chapter events
  • Greet and network with attendees at Chapter events
  • Assist with recruiting new members
  • Provide suggestions for fresh Chapter website content

Committee Descriptions

Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations Committee is led by the Public Relations Chair and is responsible for sending the monthly PRSA Austin member engagement newsletter. The committee also aids in press release distribution and community outreach.

Marketing Committee

The Marketing Chair leads the Marketing Committee and is responsible for planning and distributing program promotions on communications channels, including the newsletter and social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram). Members will also update and maintain the chapter website, create graphics for chapter promotions, and post regularly to social media accounts.

Diversity & Inclusion Committee

The Diversity & Inclusion Committee is responsible for ensuring that the Chapter promotes diversity initiatives during the calendar year. It also handles the planning and logistics for one diversity-themed program annually. The committee is led by the Diversity & Inclusion Chair.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is responsible for planning all events and communications related to members' recruitment and retention. It is led by the Membership Chair and includes the PRSSA Liaisons and the APR Chair.

Pro-Am Day Committee

The Pro-Am Day Committee is responsible for all planning and logistics related to the PRSA Austin Chapter’s Pro-Am Day event and luncheon. This is a day when students are invited to shadow PR professionals to learn about a day in the life of the industry. The PRSSA Liaisons lead the committee.

Programs Committee

The Programs Committee is responsible for the execution, preparation, and logistics of all professional development and networking programs conducted throughout the year. The Programs Chair and Committee work closely with the assigned event lead each month to execute the chapter successfully. Program topics are decided at the board retreat in December before the year the programs take place. If a board member cannot fulfill their duty as an event lead, the Programs Chair fulfills the event's lead to manage all aspects of the event. Programs also lead practice sessions and coordinate all logistics of the PRSA Austin programming. It is led by the Programs Chair.

Sponsorships Committee

The Sponsorship Committee is responsible for identifying, pursuing, and securing sponsorship support for Chapter programs. This includes creating sponsorship packages for the Chapter and signature events such as the awards program, Pro-Am Day, and the Diversity & Inclusion event, among others. It is led by the Sponsorship Chair.

Strategic Planning Committee

The Strategic Planning Committee helps the Executive Committee determine a long-term vision for the Chapter’s future. It is responsible for developing, executing, and updating a long-term strategic plan for the chapter. The plan's components include measurable goals for member recruitment and participation, programming, member engagement and participation, increasing APR participation, etc. The committee is led by the President-Elect and includes the involvement of the President

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